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White Olive Collective is an online hub for low-tox products. In today’s world, we are exposed to a tremendous amount of toxins, and it’s looked at as “normal.”

But, just because a wide variety of items on the market are typically used by the mass public, doesn’t mean they are safe for your health. White Olive Co is here to help.

We are the go-to store of holistic and low-tox health, hygiene and beauty items. White Olive is where extensive research has been done to our products’ ingredient lists, brands’ background and functionality of the products we offer.

These are items you can trust to keep the integrity of your health at its finest. Notice messages from our Founder as you browse during your shopping experience to help along your journey of investing in your health.

We are so happy you’re here. Afterall, you only get ONE body, treat it right!


I am going to share a story with you. It’s a sad one, but it has a sweet ending. In June of 2022, my cat Izzy, passed away from Lymphoma.

After 11 amazing years with Izzy by my side, I had to face each day without her which was an awful experience as you can imagine.

In July of 2022 our family dog, passed away from cancer that had spread throughout her body. We loved on her for 8 years and then within two months she completely deteriorated until her body couldn’t handle being here with us anymore.

Losing two beloved animals within 6 weeks from each other sent me into a downward spiral. I read statistic after statistic and realized that dogs get cancer at the same rate that humans do.

One of the biggest factors can be what they ingest. Now, if you read "GET TO KNOW THE FOUNDER", then you know my obsession with clean products and holistic living started before these tragedies.

When I lost both of my pets back to back from illnesses that could have been prevented or postponed, I thought to myself, “More people need to understand the dangers of hurting a healthy body.”

What we as humans or animals ingest affects our health, affects our life expectancy, affects our mood and so much more! But, what we put ON our bodies affects all of those things as well.

White Olive Co was created to take all of my extensive research and bring it to YOU. It’s taking the hard work out of finding clean products that actually work!

White Olive isn’t just a store, it’s a movement. We are here to make holistic health mainstream. We are here to help you keep your health and happiness.

We are here to inspire those who are sick to make a change to better their future.

Finally, White Olive Collective is here to honor my family dog. She was our (white) Olive.