Hey there!
My name is Alyssa and I am the Founder of White Olive Co. But, let me tell you who I am outside of the collective.
I valued health from an early age, as I was a competitive gymnast for 10 years. During that decade, I was on a high caloric intake for my age & size to maintain my fitness while being in the gym training 25+ hours a week.
After I retired, I moved on to filling my schedule with high school, track & field, dance and WORK. I went to a technical high school and was pursuing my craft, Hair Dressing, at only 16 years old.
After graduation, I opened my own salon at 19 years old! Fast forward three years and I noticed the toxins I was being exposed to at work daily.
After suffering from thyroid issues, extreme fatigue, migraines and an unhealthy eating pattern, I decided enough is enough. I threw myself into research on “safer” products and chemicals to use behind the chair to lower my toxin load and relieve some of my symptoms.
Then I thought, “Why would my research stop here?” And I continued my search for all daily items, bringing us to White Olive Collective.
On a personal note, I am a homeowner in the New England area. A wife, mother to a beautiful son and bonus daughter, and we have three fur babies! I love working out, hiking, being on the water and listening to podcasts. Although, I have not done much of those things lately as I am navigating my post partum era as of August 2024!
I switched about 85% of my diet over to organic in 2021. Around the same time, I was investing in air purifiers, water filters, and holistic health remedies.
That’s when my life changed and my interest with healthy living consumed me. It may be an obsession, but it's an obsession that doesn't hurt anyone, so it’s here to stay!
Thanks for learning more about me. Now, if you haven’t already, go read HOW WHITE OLIVE WAS BORN to hear our story.
-Alyssa, Founder of White Olive Co.